Our organization hosted 4 volunteers in the program of European Voluntary Service for 8 months. Below the experience of Elisa:

Testimony EVS by Elisa Revert Santamaría
“After finishing my studies in Journalism and performing a long period of work and internships as a journalist and audiovisual producer in the European institutions, I needed a break.I wanted and needed to go beyond Brussels for a while, maybe in a warm place… I wanted to do something different but not completely disconnected of my profession and passion, the Journalism and the International and European affairs. I wanted and should to improve my English and maybe learn a new language, I wanted to learn about the called non-formal education, I wanted to meet people and travel, I wanted to discover and integrate myself in a new culture.

But above all, I wanted to spend my time and energy helping other people through my work, it means, I wanted to help to build a more caring and inclusive society, contributing to achieve a better world with my daily work. I wanted also learn and improve my skills to do new things in my professional future, more in line with my professional interests and personal happiness.
But, how to do ALL THIS if my precarious financial situation didn’t allow me to pay a volunteer service, language lessons, specialized courses, travels… and performing a Master was not yet in my mind? Money, money … might not buy happiness, but it helps!

During this time of darkness, like a godsend, my computer’s screen enlightened me and with big letters but a bit confusing appeared the solution to my problem: European Voluntary Service.
What is this called EVS (European Volunteer Service)? All information regarding this program financed by the European Commission can be found in different places and websites. For example, here a good website where it explains all the practical details about it:
But leaving formalities, after performing my EVS in Limassol (Cyprus), I can attest that this program can make a change in your life. Certain that this experience is very personal and everyone going to live and perceive in a different way, but without doubt this experience will impact in your life, either professionally or personally, or both.

Well, as it’s said a picture is worth a thousand words, here a video which shows what was for my “MY EVS”, enjoy!:
Elisa we wish you all the best, it was great pleasure to host you in our organization.
Warm Regards
LCYouth team