Strengthening the Employability and Key Competences of Young People with Disabilities Through the Digital Transformation and Modernisation of Youth Work
▪️ The fundamental objectives are to ensure social inclusion, access and participation in the labour market for young people with disabilities (YPwDs) and upgrade youth work by addressing the need for digital transformation. The project aims to address the necessity of pioneering digital-driven tools to improve the employability skills of YPwDs and upgrade youth work through increasing quality and innovation.
▪️ Moreover, the project aims to improve the skills and competencies of Youth Workers (YW), trainers, educators, etc. who are working with YPwDs to foster training methodologies that will improve the current state of the art in regard to training programmes, which are available to this vulnerable group of population. In this manner, the JOBS4ALL project results will be conducive to improving existing methodologies and simultaneously establishing a broader community that fosters opportunities in the labour market to enhance equal access and participation, reflecting the rise of personal growth confidence.
#jobs4all #inclusion #access #participation #ypwds
1st Newsletter (READ IT HERE)
The consortium is enthusiastic to present the first steps of the project! Stay tuned to accompany us on this journey for inclusion
Check out our website:
The Partners: NCSR “DEMOKRITOS” APPDA Coimbra LCYouth MetropolisNet Emphasys Centre 2o Επαλ Αγίας Παρασκευής Zespół Szkół Specjalnych im. Janiny Porazińskiej w Ignacowie
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