
HomeprojectsMore Inclusive Society

More Inclusive Society

Type of the project: Action 1.3- Youth Democracy Projects

The project will be coordinated by LCYOUTH and will be allowing the pooling of ideas, experiences and methodologies from projects or activities at local, national and European level. This will be done in the effort to improve youth’s active participation.

The action will offer the opportunity for groups of young people from different countries to meet and learn about each other’s cultures and also to discuss on the topic of inclusion of young people in society

Themes οf the project

  • Inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities in Society
  • Respect-Mutual understanding
  • Cultural Diversity
  • Active participation of young people in their daily life
  • Inclusive Society
  • Fight against poverty and marginalization

Summary of the project

The project ‘More Inclusive Society’ is referred to an action 1.3 Youth Democracy Project in which they will participate 5 countries and 10 organizations from Cyprus, Romania, Spain, Latvia and Hungary. The core of the project will consist of 33 young people who will be responsible to implement the project and also to motivate other youth to participate in the project.
Theme of the project is the inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities (young migrants, Roma and disable young people) in society and also to develop mechanisms of youth empowerment. During the project we will discuss themes related to young people as active citizens, fight against discrimination and marginalization, social discrimination and solutions.
Our main aim is to contribute to the creation of an inclusive society, supporting the participation of young people in society. Through this program young people will gain voice and expressed their thoughts regarding marginalization.
The project has been divided into five phases, the first phase involves preparation of the program and will be done in a teleconference, participants will be informed in detail about the project.
The second phase involves the implementation of a research that will be carried out in the country of each partner. Each partner will conduct a research aiming to highlight the social facts of the country related to the integration of young people with fewer opportunities. During the Third Phase of the project participants will implement a local action based on results of the research and it will be designed by the young people themselves. In the fourth phase all partners will meet in Cyprus for six days in March 2014 in order to present the results of their actions and to take part in a conference that will address the integration of young people with fewer opportunities in society. Also during the meeting in Cyprus we will have working groups, workshops, debates – brainstorming, open discussions with policy makers, presentations, presenting programs ‘Youth in Action’, presenting organizations, etc. Finally in the last phase of the project we will have the evaluation and follow-up program. The program will begin in September 2013 and will be completed in May 2014.
The methods that we will apply are based on non-formal and informal types targeting the promotion of informal learning, the activities will be workshops, research, youth initiatives, teleconferences exercises, team build activities, role play game, discussions, outdoor activities and group work.

Duration and Venue

  • First Phase: Preparatory meeting in the aspect of a Teleconference.(September 2013)
  • Second Phase: Research (December 2014-February 2014)

During the 2nd phase each participant will contact a research in their country aiming to highlight the social facts of the country related to the integration of young people with fewer opportunities. The research is going to be in the aspect of a questionnaire and all partners will develop it together.
By next week we will send the questionnaire (in a pdf format) and we will need 30 answers from each organization.

  • Third Phase: Local Action (January-February 2014)

During the Third Phase of the project participants will implement a local action and it will be designed by the young people themselves. The local action is going to be recorded.

For the local action we have a budget for each organization 250 euro(this is the final amount that NA approved us), and we will reimburse this amount upon the presentation of receipts and invoices.

  • Fourth Phase: Conference (March 2014) 28/3/14-03/04/14

All partners will meet in Limassol Cyprus for six days in March 2014 in order to present the results of their actions (research and local action) and to take part in a conference that will address the integration of young people with fewer opportunities in society.
Each organization will participate with 3 young people (those who participate in the project, questionnaire and local actions).
Age of participants 13-30 years
Please keep age balance and gender balance as well.
During the meeting in Cyprus we will have working groups, workshops, debates – brainstorming, open discussions with policy makers, presentations, presenting programs ‘Youth in Action’, presenting organizations, etc. Finally in this phase of the project we will have the evaluation and follow-up program.
Financial conditions: Participants in the seminar in Cyprus will have to contribute with the 30% of the travel expenses. Accommodation and food are covered 100% for the entire duration of the course. Our organization is going to book the tickets and buy them as well.Participants will reimburse the 30% upon their arrival in Cyprus.

Profile of participants

  • Young people (13-30 years)
  • Young leaders (18-30 years)

Please send me the applications forms of the 3 participants no later than 10th of February(so we will have time to book the tickets).


Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any question related to the project.

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